Back to the bees

I Like Reflecting.

2016 marked the year I became a bee-haver and not a beekeeper, a little black mark which ultimately set me back a few years. You see I have the tendency to bite off more than I can chew and this year I literally choked myself working for Project Shunyoso while doing a full-time job, some coding and occasionally working at Hotel Anaga,  Once again I had put myself in the fast lane of life and burning rubber I didn’t have.


Sometime in January I came off my motorbike cough motor scooter and long story short, It was an icy day I wasn’t going fast, I braked on a manhole and can ned my ass off.

A few weeks past and my knee really started ache and eventually my whole body too. Normally, Well I used to bounce back pretty fast, but 2016 was just roller coaster of mess after mess.


  1. Walk more
  2. Cycle more
  3. Drink more water
  4. Sleep more
  5. Apple vinegar (for some reason does really work so keep that up)
  6. and bee-keep more.